Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cam Newton and the College Underground

You cannot read, watch or listen to anything sports related right now without hearing about Cam Newton.  In case you're living under a sports rock, though, I'll tell you the "story" that is out right now.

Newton is the quarterback at the University of Auburn.  He is up for he Heisman Trophy and his team is in place to play for a "national championship" (notice the quotes--I will not call it a TRUE championship until it's played out in a legitimate playoff).  Within the past few weeks, though, a former football player at Mississippi State has come forward saying that Newton's father told him that it would cost Mississippi State up to $180,000.00 for Newton's services.  This, of course, would be illegal according to NCAA bylaws.

So, the media, being who they are, cannot stop talking about the story.  There's tons of fake outrage and surprise and plenty of speculation.  I, on the other hand, want to tell you the truth.

No one is surprised.

Okay, so maybe people are surprised.  If they are, they were never around big-time college athletes at big-time programs.  It's impossible to be around these entities without seeing or hearing about these types of situations.  When I was in school, there was always a different very nice vehicle in the driveway of a certain star athlete.  No one could "prove" that the said athlete was in possession of said vehicle, but it was certainly the buzz.  At another institution, I lived next door to a prominent athlete who always seemed to have an ample supply of beer, a nice car and pretty nice clothes, which was odd, since he came from the projects of New Orleans.

Let's face it, this type of thing goes on EVERYWHERE at EVERY institution.  If you're thinking, "well, my favorite school is clean", stop now.  It's not.  Something is going on that will/could get your team in trouble with the NCAA.  Someone is asking for handouts.  There IS a booster who is trying to be buddies with the athletes and is giving them special treatment.  It is happening everywhere.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think all of the schools and athletes are exchanging hundreds of thousands of dollars.  I also will be VERY surprised if it comes out that Auburn actually paid Newton such a sum of money.  I'm almost 100% positive, without seeing any facts, though, that Newton got something that could be construed as an NCAA violation.  There's way too much smoke for there not to be at least a small flame.

So, as we all root for Auburn to get the axe, thus helping us get closer to a Boise/TCU "national championship" (and blowing up our current, corrupt system) , remember not to throw too many stones.  Your school is one rogue athlete/booster away from a major NCAA violation.  And minor violations are happening right now, your school is just not getting caught. 

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